Incam is a network of circus arts magazines dedicated to advancing the role of media within the circus sector
Working collaboratively and with an international scope, we exchance information and best practices
Remote One another's work and undertake collective Projects reflecting our core values and objectives
International Network of
Circus Arts Magazines
We take an open view in identifying those contributing to the development of circus media, and in practice and philosophy see a magazine not necessarily as a print publication, but as a curated space that encompasses reflection, commentary, news and critical debate. More broadly, we see that the purpose of a magazine is to draw connections – between one artwork and another, between artists and audiences, between people and vital information – and are committed to exploring how this role might play out within the framework of new and existing technologies.


As a network we share a sense of our projects as connected to the broader circus sector – a significant part of its strategic advocacy and development – as well as an open attitude that recognises the practical benefits of international collaboration and exchange. Internally, we want to broaden our professional horizons, to sharpen our working processes, and to share expertise to increase our resilience and adaptability within the changing media space; externally, we want to bring circus to wider audiences, to present the artform with the intelligence and mindfulness it deserves, and, in general, to play our part in pushing the sector forward.
Enhance the visibility of the network and of circus media, both within the sector and among the general public and policy-makers.
Improve the quality of media and criticism in the circus sector in doing so contribute to the development of the artform by raising awareness of its unique characteristics and artistic context, by disseminating important information, and by encouraging artists to reflect more deeply on their own work and the work of others.
Explore collaboration with academic bodies and researchers in order to further develop a critical language around the circus arts and bring greater recognition to the sector
Commit to a schedule of physical meetings and a programme of online exchange in order to address issues affecting the sector internationally to share best practices, and to reflect more generally on the role and purpose of media in the circus sector.
Collaborate in identifying funding and revenue streams and in planning sustainable models for future work.