published by: American Circus Educators Association (a branch of the American Youth Circus Organization) | country: USA | language: English | founded in:2013 | format: Online platform and pdf magazine, issues per year: 4 | directed by: ACE
ACE magazine
ACE magazine is the online magazine of the American Circus Educators Association, dedicated to circus education. Connecting and supporting circus educators, schools and organizations in the USA, ACE Magazine includes features news on developments in circus pedagogy, tools, events, research, safety, and more. Our digital format allows us to include multimedia features and clickable links.
published by: Asociación de Malabaristas and Escuela de Circo Carampa | country:Spain | language: spanish | founded in: 1988 | format:printed magazine issues per year: 2 (new edition) | directed by: Javier Jiménez |
El Ambidextro
El Ambidextro is a printed magazine edited by the Escuela de Circo Carampa. It is published in spanish since 1989. Up date it has 2 printed issues yearly (June and December) and we focus on the activities of the circus schools, mainly Carampa, the circus groups around it.and other useful subjects for circus students. We cover the new spanish circus projects, european projects involving circus schools and much more.
published by: Valentina Barone | country: Germany | language: english | founded in: 2023 | online platform | directed by: Valentina Barone |
Around About Circus
Around About Circus explores contemporary circus as an artistic language in the performing arts. The digital publication aims to build bridges and disseminate discourses across borders. It curates and produces content necessary to meet the protagonists, cover, support and promote events throughout Europe, stimulate discussion around specific issues of interest, and resonate with the activities of cultural organisations in the European ecosystem.
published by: Artcena | country: France | language: french | founded in: 2015 | format: online magazine issues per year: 4 | directed by: Isabelle.Drubigny |
ARTCENA – Le Bulletin, journal trimestriel, gratuit et téléchargeable, propose, sur 80 pages, une sélection de l’actualité des arts du cirque, de la rue et du théâtre, un repérage de projets de créations et de nouveaux spectacles, un agenda de festivals, des focus thématiques, des analyses juridiques, des tribunes d’opinions
published by: : Bundesverband Zeitgenössischer Zirkus e.V | country: Germany | language: german / english | founded in: 2011 | format:online platform | directed by:Jenny Patschovsky, Tim Behren
Bundesverband Zeitgenössischer Zirkus e.V.
The Bundesverband Zeitgenössischer Zirkus e.V. / Federal Association of Contemporary Circus is a German network and information platform for all professionals in the field of contemporary circus. As well as contact from the sector for the politics, media and for research matters. We are the hub for all information about the scene and we work for the visibility of the Contemporary Circus as part of the performing arts.
published by:CircusCentrum, Flemish Centrum of Circus Art | country: Belgium (Flanders) | language: flemish | founded in: 2004 (previuosly out as Circus Vlo) | format: printed and online magazine issues per year: 4 | directed by: Maarten Verhelst
CircusMagazine is a publication of Circuscentrum, the Flemish centre for circus arts, and focuses on all sorts of circus, including youth circus, in Flanders and Europe. With a circulation of 4.500 CircusMagazine, one of the most spread circus magazines in Europe, it aims at broadening the view of its readers and spot important evolutions and trends in the circus world.
published by: Katharine Kavanagh | country: United Kingdom | language: English | founded in: 2013 | format:Online platform | directed by:Katharine Kavanagh |
The Circus Diaries
The Circus Diaries is a non-profit online platform dedicated to developing a critical resource for circus performers, audiences and researchers. Beginning as a blog in 2013, the site has expanded to include show reviews and reports on industry events in the UK and beyond, with presence on all major social media channels.
Cirkus Syd
Cirkus Syd is an internationl networking platform for research, development and innovation. Cirkus Syd runs Circus Thinkers Platform, an open space for reading, discussing and thinking about contemporary circus in all its contexts and potentials and in relation to society. Circus Thinkers produce a publication with contributors from across the globe.
Cirqueon – centre for contemporary circus
Cirqueon – centre for contemporary circus publishes articles, interviews and reports focusing on all types of circus including youth circus and social circus in the Czech Republic, Europe and overseas. The articles are being published on a regular basis and deal with the current situation in the circus field. The authors are young cultural journalists and circus artists as well as circus teachers and lecturers. The aim is to inform especially the Czech audience about what is happening in circus arts.
Dynamo Magazine
Dynamo Magazine is part of our contribution to the establishing of circus in Denmark as a solid art form, and an exploration of the complex world that unfolds behind-the-scenes and which is rarely seen, despite being a crucial element of creation. The magazine is a bridge, a way for the public to see contemporary circus in a dynamic way, to uncover subtle and apparent connections with other stage and performing arts, and thus open new windows to experience the artform.
eJuggle is the electronic magazine (ezine) of the International Juggler’s Asociation. and the pre-eminent juggling news resource (online or offline). The Ezine is updated nearly daily with articles, exclusive videos, current events, and more. We attract hobbyists and performers from all around the world. The website is updated regularly with high quality juggling articles, videos, and other exciting content. There are currently over 700 original posts available on every aspect of juggling.
Handstand Press Magazine
The Handstand Press is a print magazine that captures the emerging culture and discipline of handbalancing. With an international diffusion, the magazine embodies the tradition of handstand practice, digs into the science, showcases the art and fosters exchange in the community. Handstand Press mirrors the variety of features that define the art & discipline of hand balance and provides an opportunity to dive deeper into stories related to the field through interviews, long feature stories, essays, surveys, photography and visual art.
Jonglages is an editorial project dedicated to what and who makes juggling. Since La Maison des Jonglages was founded, the French plural form of the word “juggling” means a set of artistic practices, works, and many initiatives that a number of players, networks, experiences and contexts have made possible. The contributions of the journal Jonglages are dedicated to their approaches and points of view: each refers to juggling, both in order to be part of an artistic field, and to question it.
Juggling Magazine Media Project
Stemming from its printed publication, Juggling Magazine Media Project has throughout the years become a multi-facet tool for promoting and spreading contemporary circus, youth circus, social circus, audience development and street art in Italy.
language: spanish | founded in: 2003 |
format: online platform | directed by:
Juande Santos & Pauline Avignon |
Malabart is an online platform for the development and diffusion of circus and street art, based in Extremadura, Badajoz
Not My Monkeys
Not My Monkeys is a circus podcast based in the UK. We believe in platforming important conversations from a diverse range of voices and aim to put accessibility at the forefront of our practice. We use the podcast medium to learn about and celebrate circus as an art form; dissecting shows, discussing history, debunking myths and addressing the elephant in the room…
PONTE is a paper printed & Web based magazine which deals with Juggling in general, mainly for purpose of providing information on juggling scene all around the world to Japanese audience. It’s run by Naoya Aoki, a juggling enthusiast, a performer, and a writer.
Sirkuspyramidi is a printed circus magazine dedicated to circus arts, youth circus, circus critics and reports and news from the circus field. It is published in Finnish from 1993 by the Finnish Youth Circus Association and has 4 issues yearly. The editor of the magazine is Evianna Lehtipuu.
Born from the combined vision and expertise of CircusTalk and TheaterArtLife, both founded in 2017, StageLync fulfills a dual mission: giving people access and connection to live performing arts. StageLync is comprised of two core components: the freely accessible StageLync platform, which provides news, events, opinion articles, reviews and press releases for audiences and industry professionals, and StageLync Pro, a subscription-based service for performing arts industry professionals. This service offers job opportunities, access to industry peers and industry benefits.
Tadaa magazine
Tadaa magazine is dedicated to the art of contemporary circus. It appears three times a year in German, in printed form.
Tadaa magazine wants to create an alternative stage, generate attention for the art form of the contemporary circus and print snapshots of the artistic creation. Reports, documents and photos are taken from different perspectives; from the point of view of the audience, the artists and, for example, directors.
VOICES magazine
VOICES magazine, accompaning once a year CircusDanceFestival in Cologne, is dedicated to the theoretical reflection of current circus topics. VOICES provides insights into different ways of writing, speaking and thinking about circus, philsophical and societal questions. Various interdisciplinary and international perspectives of reflection are gathered here.
YANA is an independent art magazine compiling curated art works and essays created by jugglers. A thick 160 pages publication printed on beautiful papers giving juggling a new platform to exist and be seen. Photographs, poems, collages, crafts and words to look at this artform from an intimate perspective rather than performative.
Zirkolika was launched in June 2004 because of the prompt and clear need of the spanish circus world to have its own medium of information, communication and divulging. The magazine is at the moment the main publication in Spain specialized in circus arts and it is also a reference for anyone who wants to know about the circus reality. It is a popular magazine addressed not only to professionals but also to amateurs and circus friends.
The following is a list of resources centers, run by circus organizations which are not necessarily INCAm members, which would be very useful for researching into the history and developement of circus arts.
L’équipe d’ARTCENA travaille actuellement à la refonte de son système d’information et à la création d’un portail numérique de référence sur le spectacle vivant. Sa mise en ligne est prévue pour 2018.
En attendant, nos ressources sont mises à jour sur les sites internet des deux structures fusionnées : le CnT et HorsLesMurs.
Ainsi, en cliquant sur les liens ci-dessous, vous pourrez trouver toutes nos informations concernant:
The Circus Art Anthologies is a multi-media web site allowing amateurs, professionals and researchers alike, to discover and understand the different circus disciplines. This project has been developed by the National Centre for Circus Arts and the French National Library (BNF).
CARP is an online platform for academic research on circus art. Its obectives include: stimulate and strengthen collaboration between scholars interested in circus arts studies across all academic disciplines; compile an international, accessible bibliography of academic publications related to circus arts studies; list the universities and research institutions with circus-related research programs or research chairs; archives; libraries and resource centre with significant collections; institutions offering residencies to scholars, as well as relevant museum collections; inventory circus arts related research activities (programs, conferences, lectures etc.); share the most recent activities (publications etc.) in circus arts research; to facilitate a network of circus researchers around the world.
Online wikipedia of the international circus, featuring biographies, circus profiles, video clips, image galleries, and artwork from circus performers and organizations … The Big Apple Circus ( began the development of the project in 2007, with inspiration, guidance and leadership support from the Shelley & Donald Rubin Foundation. The idea was to use the Internet to help the public better understand and appreciate circus as a global artistic and cultural phenomenon, embracing both the populist nature of the circus and the democratic technology of a free-access web archive
Research into circus and street arts, and outdoor artistic creation in general, is still underdeveloped in Europe and worldwide. Circostrada supports and promotes research by regularly carrying out and publishing thematic studies and guides that shed light on innovative practices and identify the emerging trends impacting and challenging our sectors. Circostrada regularly publishes guides, studies, reports and professional directories to facilitate the circulation of artistic works, the mobility of cultural artists and professionals, and the access to resources about our sectors. This resource portal gives you access to numerous online documents produced or made available by the network and its members as well as thematic resources and an interactive map identifying other resource portals in Europe and worldwide.
Flemish Centrum of Circus Art Circuscentrum aims to turn Flanders into a flourishing circus region, with wide cultural support and the best possible development opportunities through various activities and projects. The resource center consists of more than 1.000 publications and dvds.
Founded in 2006, SirkusInfo Finland is a national centre specialised in the development of the circus field. Its mission, among other things, is to collect and disseminate knowledge about circus, create and maintain relationships with international players in the circus scene and to support cultural exports.
Ever since Cirque du Soleil has had the resources to follow its dreams, it has chosen to be involved with at-risk youth, mainly through its social circus program, Cirque du Monde. With the aim to foster the personal and social development of these young people, Cirque du Monde offers social circus workshops, training, support and consulting services, networking and advocacy. The platform is accessible from various electronic devices and with its extensive documentation related to social circus, it is today one of the most valuable reference source on the subject
DOKUCIRCO, the Mexican Centre of Circus Documentation, supported by Cirko de Mente A.C. is a spot for conservation, consultation, reflection, production and dissemination of information regarding circus arts. This Centre is based in Mexico City and it’s one of a kind in the country and in the region. Conceived as a node of circus knowledge as well as a meeting point between creators, researchers, teachers and spectators. Dokucirco aims to stimulate the development and dissemination of the conceptual univers of circus arts. Focusing on mexican circus historical heritage the Centre points to build bridges with other documentation and research centres and with the circus comunity around the globe.
Hors les Murs resource center on street arts and circus arts. Access to thousands of online documents as well as the business directory of HorsLesMurs. Contact companies, venues or residence, shows records mingle with images, videos, articles and reference books. These resources are put into perspective in thematic tours and educational tools. This led project brings together fifteen HorsLesMurs reference resource partner funds.
discontinued projects / publications
The following is a list of resources centers, run by circus organizations which are not necessarily INCAm members, which would be very useful for researching into the history and developement of circus arts.
CirCommons is an interactive journal that aims to draw together the circus community through collective discussion and writing. Written by the community, curated and edited by the Circus Now Research Team, CirCommons will act as a reservoir of ideas pertaining to the practice and study of circus arts. By providing a platform for vigorous discussion, debate, and reflection, CirCommons aims at enriching the artistic and academic investigation of contemporary circus, and facilitating the entrée of US circus studies into the sphere of performance studies broadly
Between fans and professional alike, circus life in Bruxelle at the dawn of a ‘boom’, which affects all sectors: shows, workshops, training courses, social projects. The new magazine C!RQ en CAPITAL explores this movement increasingly shaking and diving, four times a year, in the heart of Bruxelles circus town
Dokucirco circus magazine is a quarterly digital release, made with the participation of mexican and international circus professionals, researchers and fans. Dokucirco magazine, a publication for circus lovers, is one of the components of the Mexican Centre of Circus Documentation.
El Circense
El Circense is an on-line circus magazine based in Argentina which has, among its main objectives to cover, promote and spread proposals, experiences and initiatives related to the circu’s world. It is carried on independently by a group of collaborators coming from different countries. El Circense tries to be a tool for sharing and socializing information in order to collaborate in the development and promotion of this art in Latin America and the world.
Contemporary Circus Magazine
Contemporary Circus Magazine, a regular magazine with interviews and opinions about the state of the new circus. In English, French and Dutch. It is a Circo Circolo publication.
Kaskade, european juggling magazine, was a forum where jugglers and physical artists of all kinds, both amateur and professional, could exchange views and experiences. The last print issue appeared in October 2013. You can download all 112 issues, dating back to 1984 at the Kaskade Archive
Sideshow is a magazine and website that promotes, records and thinks about contemporary circus. Its current major project is The Adjacent Possible, a conversation series around four big themes: Presence, Society, Ageing & Death, and The Unknown.
Next Door Circus
NDC is a multidisciplinary project dedicated to contemporary circus and street arts in Baltic States. The aim is to encourage international cooperation between artists and promote these artistic fields in Baltic states. Next Door Circus, it is all about circus, neighbours and future.
Stradda is published by the national information centre HorsLesMurs, and provides testimonies of artistic experiences originating from the street and circus arts, as well as from all other forms of art in the public space. Every edition comes with a professional information supplement for subscribers called Les Brèves, which gives an overview of current news in circus and street arts, writing about venues and companies. Once a year, Stradda releases a special issue in English